Occupational Safety and Health Council - The 18th Hong Kong Occupational Safety & Health Award
Safety Management System Award — Construction Industry (Gold Award)
Safety Performance Award — Construction Industry (for 10 subsidiaries)
Development Bureau and Construction Industry Council - The 25th Considerate Contractors Site Award Scheme
Non-Public Works — RMAA Works (Gold Award)
Development Bureau and Construction Industry Council - The 26th Considerate Contractors Site Award Scheme
Public Works – Repair, Maintenance, Alteration and Addition Works (Gold Awards)
Green Council - Hong Kong Green Awards 2019
Green Management Award — Corporate (Large Corporation) (Gold Award)
Green Management Award — Project Management
(Large Corporate) (2 Gold Awards, 3 Silver Awards and 1 Bronze Award)
Environmental, Health and Safety Award — Large
Corporation (1 Platinum Award, 1 Silver Award and 2Bronze Awards)
Development Bureau and Construction Industry Council - The 25th Considerate Contractors Site Award Scheme
Outstanding Environmental Management & Performance Awards (1 Gold Award, 1 Silver Award and 1 Merit Award)
Development Bureau and Construction Industry Council - The 26th Considerate Contractors Site Award Scheme
Outstanding Environmental Management and Performance Awards - Silver
The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers - Quality Building Award 2020
Hong Kong Non-residential (New Building – Government, Institution or Community) – Kwai Chung Hospital Day Recovery Centre
The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers - Structural Excellence Award 2020
Structural Division - Hong Kong project - Non-Residential Finalist - Water Supplies Department Tin Shui Wai Building
Promoting Happiness Index Foundation
Happiness at Work Promotional Scheme (5+ Happy Company)
The Hong Kong General Chamber of Small and Medium Business- Partner Employer Award
Partner Employer Award for 5 consecutive years
Hong Kong Productivity Council
The 10th Outstanding Corporate Citizenship Award
Hong Kong Council of Social Service -Caring Company Scheme 2019/20
15 Plus Caring Company Logo